I don’t like LeetCode.
What is wrong with it, some may ask. It’s mostly a matter of personal preference, mostly. But below are some downers for me:
- Achievement aggressive. I prefer my own pace.
- Paywalls. Monetization is ok, paywalls can be done right, but this particular one is just annoying.
- Design. Just not for me :)
Still, I do LeetCode. Because it has few benefits compared to other platforms:
- Popularity. Almost everyone in Tech knows about it.
- Wide range of problems. With grouping and tags on top of it.
- Few game mechanics. To keep us hooked.
Before LeetCode I was using Exercism. And I love almost everything about it. Starting from opennes of the platform, to the design and the community. While Exercism is perfect for learning new languages and concepts, LeetCode is a much better tool for problem-solving skills training.
Sat Mar 30, 2024 / 141 words / Learn Golang Programming